Monday, February 22, 2010


So these past few days have been really boring because I wake up at 5PM and do nothing all day. So after waking up with 75% of my day gone, I made some shells and cheese, and watched TV until chapter. Chapter was normal. Then I came home and played games and watched tv.

Now I got the boring part out of the way. Instead of just having a short little paragraph about how my day sucked, I'm gonna start writing a little bit more. Today's topic: elementary school teachers/memories

Preschool-Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. High. From what I remember, we would come in and play on one of those indoor plastic playsets with the little 2 foot long slide. Man it was fun back then. Then after everyone got there we'd say the pledge, a prayer, and then we'd try to complete as many challenges in a day as we could. We'd have to tie our shoes, count to 10, and do other things, and some days if we did really well, we would get to pick out of the prize drawer. We'd also have story time. It always confused me, because she would open the closet, reach onto the top shelf, and when she came out, her hand had magically turned into a sock puppet!!! Then we'd get little dixie cups and we could have white or chocolate milk, and then we would all use our own measuring systems to somehow count how much milk we had. I hated the girl next to me, cause she always counted a lot of milk in hers.

Kindergarten- Mrs. Burnhardt and Mrs. Farver. Mrs. Burnhardt was awesome and was very calm. Mrs. Farver had a temper and got angry very easily. We'd come in, pick out a carpet square, and sit on it until everyone got there. We'd say the pledge and a prayer and just like preschool, we had a list of tasks, but these were a little harder. I remember one of them was to tell the teacher what time it was on the clock. After tasks were done, we would do the letter of the day. The teachers got lazy then and gave us some recess, and then parents picked us up at like noon.

1st grade- Mrs. Ruttan. BITCH!!!! She was terrible with kids and seemed to hate her job. There was a day that we were working on geo-boards. Those are the wooden squares with like 100 nails sticking out of it, and you put rubber bands on it to make different shapes. She was talking to Nathan, and I tapped her on the shoulder to hand in my board. Her hands were full of boards that were already turned in, and when she turned around, one of those nails caught me right in the face, half an inch away from my left eye. 1st grade wasn't too nice to me. I was walking in to school, and we were running a little late, and when I opened the door, it opened right over my toe, and hurt like hell. When I got to the classroom I took my shoe off to see a sock covered in blood. A friend helped me to the nurse, and I got to go home that day. I had to have my whole toenail on my big toe cut off.

This is getting pretty long, so I'm gonna continue on with the next few grades tomorrow.

Goodnight blogger


  1. Happy memories (sort of). It's funny, because I can totally remember elementary teachers with BAD tempers. I think that there should be a requirement to get your teaching certificate for young kids about no yelling or flipping out . . .

  2. I pissed my pants in kindergarten because my teacher claimed "I didn't have to pee"
