Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm gonna make this one a quick and short blog. I actually slept well last night after taking 3 Tylenol P.M.'s instead of the recommended 2. I woke up at 9, studied for my music exam. That was not a fun exam. Then I had X-158, went to DU, watched some HIMYM(how i met your mother), and went home. I was still kinda tired, so I took a nap, woke up, made some rice for dinner, and went shopping for more groceries because rice was about the only thing that I had left. Hung out, watched tv, played video games, and now i'm going to bed with 3 more tylenol.

goodnight blogger.


  1. If you watch how I met your mother then you gotta watch two and a half men and big bang theory!but glad 2 hear you are finally getting some sleep! =)

  2. no shayla!! pleas stop encouraging him to watch 3 of the worst shows on television. you're undoing all of the progress i've made. which is none. THOSE SHOWS ARE NOT FUNNY.



  3. oh and and i totally called you not blogging everyday. owned.
